All packages are primarily shipped via FedEx or USPS. If you’re trying to estimate when a package will be delivered, please note that credit card authorization and verification must be received prior to processing. Although we try our best to fulfill orders within 24 hours, please allow 1-2 business days for processing before your order is shipped. Orders placed after 12:00 PM during regular business days (Monday-Friday) are typically processed the next business day.
You are responsible for knowing the import regulations for your country. Please research all supplements to ensure that they are legal for importation PRIOR to ordering. Once the order has left our premises, we cannot be held responsible for customs delays. Most countries will have no trouble however, we post this disclaimer in case there is an issue.
If, by chance, the order is returned to us, and you wish to have a refund then we will do so only after we have received the product back. The refund will be the total amount paid for the product. Shipping costs will not be returned.
We do not accept returns or apply refunds for damaged/missing/stolen products that arrive on ALL international orders. If any of this applies, you must contact the carrier.